

This letter is related to an extremely difficult situation in the sphere of our activities due to the coronavirus pandemic, which is a very serious test for most industrial companies, regardless of the type of business and the segment occupied in the market for industrial products. 

We understand that the self-isolation of people introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation is a compulsory and necessary measure to save people and preserve the genetic pool of the country. This is, however, fraught with a reduction and possibly a complete termination of the issue of products, especially in the sphere of power engineering where creation of labor-intensive and metal-intensive products is related to a long production cycle inconceivable without participation of highly qualified specialists versed in applied science, design, advanced technologies, management of modern process equipment. 

Under the existing conditions LLC RPC ENTECHMASH deemed it possible not to interrupt the production process fully due a number of restrictions and proceed with the Company’s operations under the exiting and newly concluded Contracts. 

Under the current difficult conditions the health of employees and members of their families is our highest priority, therefore preventive measures were taken to control cases of diseases and spreading of infection. Expecting possible deterioration of the epidemiological situation, we prepared ourselves beforehand for a possible necessity of activities of our employees in quarantine and self-isolation. 

Above all, the number of employees directly performing works of manufacturing and shipping products on the production platform of ENTECHMASH was brought to a minimum. At the production facilities safety and control measures were strengthened, including measurement of employees’ temperature, measures of social distancing of employees were introduced. The team is provided with personal protection equipment and disinfectants. Additional wet cleanings of premises were organized. Employees with signs of indisposition, cold-related diseases, elevated temperature are not allowed to work. Movement of employees on public transport is not allowed. All employees aged above 60 had been transferred to remote work. 

Despite arrangements for remote work of the company’s office, we continue to routinely receive and process all requests and inquiries of the Customers. In the shortest possible time technical and commercial proposal are forwarded to the Customers with a guarantee of fulfillment of the undertaken obligations.

Automatic design and computation systems SIEMENS NX, SOLID WORKS, NUMECA, MATHCAD and other automated systems such as ЕRР (Enterprise Resource Planning) implemented in LLC RPC ENTECHMASH, a production load monitoring system, production planning and preparation, tool management, control of minimum required remainders of critically important resources, as well as qualified and close-knit team allow the situation to be kept under control even under the current conditions and failures in supplies of products to be minimized, the delays in supplies to highly critical orders to be excluded.

The coronavirus pandemic situation put us all to test we never experienced before. It is important to believe that the mankind will conquer the disease by joint efforts, and our life will return to normal. 

We thank you, colleagues, for the trust you have for LLC RPC ENTECHMASH. 

We wish you, your families, and the personnel health, courage, and belief in the upcoming termination of the pandemic. 

Take care of yourselves and those close to you! 

With hopes and confidence in further cooperation.

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